#SoL20: If You Take Your Dog to the Vet

If you take your dog to the vet, you will want to drive around town.

When you drive around town, you will want to look for Pokemon Go stops.

When you stop at the park for a Pokemon, you will remember your friend who lives nearby.

When you remember your friend nearby you will think it’s a good idea to park at her apartment.

When you park at her apartment, you will give her a call.

When you give her a call, you have to say: “Hello, Katie.  Look outside.”

When your friend sees you outside, you will have to wave.

When you have to wave, you have to ask: “Do you want to walk outside with me?  The weather is nice and we can stay six feet apart.”

When your friend joins you for a walk, your dog makes it difficult to stay six feet apart.

When your dog makes it difficult, you have to walk in front to finish the walk.

When you finish your walk, then you have to leave.

When you have to leave, you get a little sad.  But you are at least happy knowing that you made your friend’s day that much brighter.

When you know you made your friend’s day, you think of a great idea for the teacher parade.

When you have a great idea for the teacher parade, you deck your car in superhero props and head out to visit your students.

When you visit your students, you have to stay in your car, but their smiles and signs and waves make YOUR day brighter too.

When your day is brighter, you drive home feeling tired but happy…all because you took your dog to the vet.

3 thoughts on “#SoL20: If You Take Your Dog to the Vet

  1. What a great slice, and a great day! I love the teacher parade idea — I have seen a few posts about that on facebook! And I love that you decked out your car! So fun!


  2. What a cute idea to write in this way, and how generous to ‘visit’ with friends and students from your decorated car. So clever.


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